CLEAR’s podcast is a resource in the field of professional and occupational regulation to help stakeholders stay current on new developments and hear diverse opinions on a broad range of topics. 1) CLEAR is a place for novel, thoughtful, non-partisan debate, undertaken inclusively and respectfully. Those who contribute to the debate speak in their own capacity, and do not necessarily represent the view(s) of CLEAR. 2) CLEAR provides a space in which contentious issues can be safely and respectfully discussed, grounded in a sound body of professional regulatory knowledge. 3) Acting in the public interest, regulations, and the views of regulators and the wider public, evolve over time. Discussions at CLEAR reflect this evolution of thinking, encompassing a wide variety of considered opinion. Music clips: ”Someone Else” by Full Power Music, licensed through Adobe Stock

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Episode 28: Research on Recidivism
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Jimi Bush and Sarah Chenvert with the Washington Medical Commission discuss a recent recidivism study undertaken to look for behavior patterns among licensees who have undergone more than one instance of discipline within a 10-year time frame. The study aimed to determine if the Medical Commission's corrective actions had effectively resulted in physicians and physician assistants changing their practices and modifying their behavior. They share some findings of the study and some ways that the Commission will use the data to revamp their compliance program to work more closely with licensees to educate them and address common compliance issues before they become a problem.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860651) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts/

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Special Episode: COVID-19 Resources for Regulators
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
We’re bringing you a special episode of the CLEAR podcast, talking about information and resources related to the COVID-19 emergency. This is a challenging time for everyone as we respond to this global health emergency. CLEAR's president, Kym Ayscough, president-elect, Ginny Hanrahan, and executive director, Adam Parfitt, highlight some of the resources that CLEAR has put together and information that CLEAR members have shared.
"Thank you to CLEAR's members who so willingly share their resources, their information, their expertise in the interest of safe regulation in all of the professions and occupations that we regulate. I feel really privileged to be a part of this community and find the sharing to be just infinitely beneficial. So thanks to everyone for that." - Kym Ayscough
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860650) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Episode 27: What Makes a Difference for Candidates Taking Computer-based Tests?
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Paula Lehane, a Ph.D. candidate at Dublin City University in Ireland with the Centre for Assessment Research, Policy and Practice in Education, and author of a recent CLEAR Exam Review article, discusses some of the issues that regulatory organizations need to consider for candidates taking computer based tests. She discusses candidates' expectation of flexibility related to device diversity and modifying user interfaces. She provides different examples of form factor and how it can interfere with test-taker performance and how organizations can design tests to ensure that test-taker performance is not influenced by a device’s particular features. She stresses the need for more research based in the assessment industry and making that research public and shareable.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860647) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Episode 26: Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Skip Braziel, Vice President – State Regulation and Legislation with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and David Cox, CEO of the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying introduce listeners to the newly-formed Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing. ARPL is a group of organizations that represent highly-technical professions and the boards that regulate those professions. ARPL hopes to educate policy-makers and the public on concerns related to occupational licensing reform efforts. "It's about our duty to protect the public, and where we see that threatened is where ARPL will become involved." Concerns that Skip and David mention include instances where licensing reform is applied too broadly to all professions, legislation that would allow anyone to perform services as long as the consumer gives consent, and legislation that removes resources from boards.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860641) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Episode 25: What It Means to Be a Good Regulator
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Deanna Williams, President of Dundee Consulting and long-time CLEAR member, tackles the question, What does it mean to be a good regulator? She talks about being trustworthy and earning public confidence, putting public interest above all others, being genuine and authentic in explaining how our actions best serve and protect the public, and being adaptable on the front-end of change. She discusses how regulators should have frameworks for consistent decision-making, validated evaluative processes, and a culture where questions are seen as opportunities rather than challenges. Good regulators should ask the question, Can we demonstrate that there's value in what we do? She urges regulators to move beyond being just good enough to asking, how can we be better?
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860634) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Episode 24: WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Workforce Regulation
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Nick Lord and Kym Ayscough with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency discuss AHPRA's involvement as a World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Health Workforce Regulation. They discuss the WHO's interest in regulation of the health workforce, the current state of health workforce regulation in the Asia-Pacific region, and the WHO member states' interest in the Collaborating Centre. They share some goals of the network and opportunities for CLEAR members to be involved.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860631) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Episode 23: Professional Regulation and the Next Generation
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Jimi Bush, director of quality and engagement with the Washington State Medical Commission, talks about making it millennial, focusing on professional regulation and the next generation. She notes some of the characteristics of millennials and Generation Z, the impact their preferences and behaviors are having on certain industries, and specifically the impact for regulated workforces. She shares some ways that regulators can adapt their practices to millennial and Generation Z behaviors.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860629) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Episode 22: How Regulators Can Use Behavioral Science
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Cynthia Abel with the College of Early Childhood Educators in Ontario talks about how regulators can use behavioral science (sometimes called behavioral insights, behavioral economics, or nudging) - the concept of taking what we know about people and what influences how they behave and make decisions and harnessing that knowledge in order to design services and processes that are better aligned to the way we want people to behave and make decisions. She gives some examples and some opportunities to use this concept in a licensing and compliance environment and offers some considerations for organizations interested in applying this concept.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860621) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Episode 21: Using a National Certification as Eligibility for Licensure
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Ida Darragh, executive director of the North American Registry of Midwives and CLEAR board member, talks about the benefits to a state and the licensee when a national credential is used as an avenue to licensure for a profession, how the North American Registry of Midwives works with states that license certified professional midwives, practice in states that do not have a licensure process for CPMs, and trends for the future related to the link between certification and licensure.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860615) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Episode 20: Lessons from Cases Involving Intentional Harm to Patients
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
When healthcare professionals intentionally harm or kill patients in their care, it shatters the public trust in the healthcare system, healthcare professionals, and their regulators. Lara Kinkartz with Weirfoulds LLP, Christine Braithwaite with the Professional Standards Authority in the UK, and David Benton with National Council of State Boards of Nursing discuss the impacts of such cases, processes and strategies regulators can put in place to help minimize the chances of intentional harm, and ways regulators can navigate the increased public scrutiny that results from such cases. This podcast episode is a lead-in to a session at CLEAR's Annual Educational Conference, September 18-21, 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that will further explore case studies and strategies.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860614) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts